First Discussion: Competition, Cold War, or Conflict?
Navigating U.S.-China Relations in Tense Times
Washington’s relations with Beijing have reached an ominous low ebb. Both American political parties have identified China as the country’s preeminent geopolitical challenger and, in the eyes of many, a systemic threat. What is driving this deterioration of Sino-American relations, and what are America’s strategic options in the face of Chinese power and ambition?
Author: Thomas Christensen
Topics for this Discussion Include:
The Nine-Dash Line
The Belt and Road Initiative
The First Trump and only Biden Administrations
The Incoming Trump Administration
Taiwanese Security
Fante's Coffee House
2501 Grinstead Drive
Louisville, KY, 40206 United States
5:30 pm - Check in and Networking
6:00 pm - Programming Starts
7:00 pm - Programming Conclusion